
exam exam exam..

yay!! my final exam is finally over..and so my holiday starts..huhu

i'm lovin' it..haha..

ok..let talk bout my exam last week..well as usual..my university gave us questions that are beyond hard..i mean it was soo hard..i felt like my head is about to burst when i was doing it..

especially my physics paper..i dont even know whether i did it right or wrong..well obviously..it an exam..so you can't be sure your answer is right or not right?..but this sem's physics we learn about electronic stuff..and when you learn bout physics there sure to be alot of formula, equations and definitions to remember..after that paper i felt like i want to cry..i couldn't answer all of the question..and don't ask me about my carry marks..my friends and i..we all don't want to know about our carry marks..cus if you ask me..we did pretty bad for our physics for this sem..like i said before..it was hard..

and bout my chemistry paper..it's a so-so paper..which means it was a 50-50 rated paper for me..hehe..didn't think i could rate my own exam's difficulty..huhu..anyway..the only paper that i'm quite confident to do is my calculus paper..huhu..but right now i'm just worried bout my chemistry and physics paper..i really really really hope to get at least a pass grade..i know a passing grade is low..but i really want to pass this sem's subjects..so that i won't repeat the subject again..pls..repeating a subject for me is a nightmare..so you guys pray for me k..hehe

but during that a hell of a week..me and my friends..we went out and and totally have wicked time..hehe..want to know what we did last week?? well that's another story..huhu..^_^..sore ja..until next time..ciao!!

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