
Cbn Sports Day!! Show The Cbn Spirit!!

Today CBN held it's annual sports day!! and this year is my final year so this is my last sports day..*sob* = (
This year the competition is quite tuff..especially between the Aidan team and the Xavier team..the points between the two team is very close..but in the end Aidan finally beat Xavier who every year won the overall event for 4 years straight..talk about luck.. and by da way i'm in Aidan..i'm like soo happy that we finally beat Xavier!! hahahahaha xp.. This count's as the best sports day ever!!^_^
Here's a few pictures that i took during the sports day..

Angelic Aidan

Kadet Remaja Sekolah

Kadet Polis
all the other uniform bodies and houses


Happy Birthday Ala!!!

Today is Ala's birthday.. She's one of my best and closest friends..and today she's turning 17!! Happy Birthday Ala!!

this is Ala on the right..cute isn't she..hehe^_^ (jgn prasan ala)..
So sorry i can't celebrate with you today but tomorrow we'll celebrate together ok..
The reason i can't celebrate her birthday is cuz today i ponteng!!(i mean skip school) hehe.. Oopps busted!! haha..


A Year Had Past...

hey there..long time no see..
it's been a very long time since i've been blogging..how long has it been? almost a year!! OMG!!
after my first post i've totally got bored..don't know what to post also..so sad..huhu..
anyway after reading all my other friends blog recently i feel like why not start over.. and after anis said that it's been a long time i've haven't been blogging..so right now i'm going to write something..hmm..


i'm totally space out right now..soo..maybe later k..but this still count as a post too..here a new post anis!! haha..^_^